Meet our team

PD Luise Erpenbeck, MD, lab head

Luise studied medicine in Magdeburg and Göttingen (2003- 2010) and has been interested in neutrophils and tumorimmunology since working on her thesis "Platelet Receptors and Melanoma Metastasis" (defended 2011). She spent 2 years in the lab of Denisa Wagner (Boston Children's Hospital, 2012- 2014) to learn all about NETs, thrombosis and cancer and was an a PI Göttingen from 2014 to 2021. Since August 2021 she holds a professorship position in Münster. When not in the lab she works as a physician in the Department of Dermatology in Münster. Hobbies include spending time with her family, reading and singing.

See publications here.

Sangeetha Shankar, postdoc

Sangeetha joined the lab in July 2024 after completing a PhD in the group of Alex Weber in Tübingen. She is an expert in inflammasome signalling and has now gone on to study neutrophil signalling and interactions in inflammatory skin diseases. 

Marie Britz, MD student

Marie joined the lab in 2021, when we were still in the process of moving to Münster. I was not yet looking for a medical student because of the move but Marie was so enthusiastic and convincing that we took her in - and we have not regretted it. She quickly became an expert on urticaria and neutrophils. In her free time, she is an avid snowboarder and generally enjoys sports. 

Jason Holsapple, PhD student

Jason joined the lab in August 2021 to study biophysical aspects of the neutrophilic nucleus during NET formation. He previously completed his Master at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Jason enjoys traveling and good food together with his wife and has two lovely if at times capricious cats.  

Anne Schmitz, PhD student

Anne joined the lab in September 2021. She is interested in intercellular communication between neutrophils and uses a wide variety of imaging approaches, including nanomaterial-based novel imaging methods as well as classical biochemical approaches. 
Anne enjoys classical music and plays different types of recorders.

Meike Steinert, technician

Meike is an experienced technician who welcomed us in Münster when we arrived in August 2021and has since then been an amazing help every day. 

Stefanie Deterin, administration

Stefanie helps organise everything in and around the lab with a firm hand. She watches out for all of the lab members and really keeps things running. 

Former Lab Members

Antonia Luise Gruhn, medical student

Thea Mara Husar, medical student

Thea joined us in 2019 to study neurotransmitter signaling in neutrophils. In an impressively short amount of time, she has become our expert at qPCR and her work has led to some unexpected and very exciting data. For her research project, she was awarded the Kurt & Eva Herrmann fellowship of the Alfred Marchionini Foundation. In her free time, Thea bakes the most amazing cakes, enjoys acting and belly-dancing! She is also fluent in Swedish and thinks about moving to Sweden there at some point in her career. 


Thea Mara Husar, medical student

Thea joined us in 2019 to study neurotransmitter signaling in neutrophils. In an impressively short amount of time, she has become our expert at qPCR and her work has led to some unexpected and very exciting data. For her research project, she was awarded the Kurt & Eva Herrmann fellowship of the Alfred Marchionini Foundation. In her free time, Thea bakes the most amazing cakes, enjoys acting and belly-dancing! She is also fluent in Swedish and thinks about moving to Sweden there at some point in her career. 


Antonia Luise Gruhn, medical student

Antonia joined the lab in 2018 and investigated the influence of substrate elasticity in NET formation, a project she competently took over from Gökhan Günay. Her research was published in Frontiers of Immunology. She was awarded one of the prestigious research fellowships of DSD (Deutsche Stiftung Dermatologie) for her MD thesis. Antonia is also interested in neurotransmitter singling in the immune system. In her free time, she enjoys Latin American dance and  traveling.


Lukas Mrowietz, medical student

When Lukas joined the lab in 2019, he already had considerable expertise in the field of NET research after working together with  Venizelos Papayannopoulos at the Crick Institute in London. Therefore, he quickly established a new research subject, studying the influence of shear forces on NET formation. 

Lukas is also founder of the IT-company WalluM-Systems in Kiel and uses his broad IT-knowledge to develop and adjust algorithms for cell quantifications in the lab (and to maintain our mutual Google calendar - thank you Lukas!). And as if all this were not enough, he is also a talented actor! 

Meike Schaffrinski, technician

Meike joined us in 2019 and very quickly became the heart and soul of the lab. Not only is Meike skilled in (almost) any technique you can think of, she made everyone feel at home in the lab. Her truly good heart also manifests itself by the fact that she takes care of several adopted dogs and cats in her home. Meike decided to stay in Göttingen for personal reasons when the lab moved to Münster and we miss her very much!

Tobias Baldeweg, Master student

Tobias joined us to do his lab rotation and then went on to do his Bachelor in our lab. He then worked on his Masters in our group and has developed and established promising new techniques, including expansion microcopy for immune cells. 

Elsa Neubert, postdoc

Elsa studied pharmacology  in Berlin and briefly worked in a pharmacy before hearing the call of Science and joining our team in 2015. She is working on the molecular mechanisms of NETosis (cosupervised by Sebastian Kruss, Physical Chemistry), the influence of light on neutrophils and the importance of experimental conditions for the induction of NETosis. She also supervises medical students and is involved in our psoriasis projects. She defended her PhD thesis (with "summa cum laude!") and has been awarded the Egon Macher Award 2019 at the ADF as well as the prize of the board of trustees of the UMG for an outstanding publication! Apart from that, Elsa is an incredibly talented musician with a specialty in soprano singing. After her time in our lab she moved to Leiden as a postdoc and went on to become an assistant professor! We still collaborate wherever possible. 

Katharina Marie Bach,  medical student

Kathi joined us in 2016 and took on the very challenging project of the influence of light on NETosis. She did not shy away from delving deep into the physics of light and was rewarded with some very interesting insights. She is currently wrapping up her project while continuing her medical studies. She successfully presented her work at the ADF Winter School 2019 and published her research in Frontiers of Immunology.  

Julia Grandke, technician

Julia joined our lab at the beginning of 2016, fresh from school. She has since become an expert at imaging and quantification of NETs, all sorts of histological stainings, mouse handling and neutrophil isolation. Her hobbies include taking care of her puppy (who is probably not a puppy any more since we all last saw him) and horseriding, often together with other members of the lab. She left the lab to study business administration.

Sophie Scheidmann, medical student

Sophie is working on the therapeutic effect of NET inhibitors in psoriasis. We hope that her data will provide new therapeutic targets for psoriasis patients. Sophie is a true globetrotter and has been to Nepal and as an Erasmus student in Warsaw!

Anja Kwaczala-Tessmann, physician

Anja joined our lab in 2015 and has mainly focused on the role of the cytoskeleton during NETosis. She was especially interested in the role of tubulins in neutrophil biology. Anja successfully defended her thesis with "Magna cum laude" in November 2021! Congratulations and well done! 

Susanne Senger-Sander, physician

Susanne joined us in 2016 and studied the influence of the cytoskeleton during NETosis. Her experiments have been very crucial to our understanding of the molecular mechanism of NETosis. Coincidentially, she came across the intriguing finding that certain experimental conditions greatly influence NETosis, which we have just been able to publish at Frontiers of Immunology.

Veit Matzke, physician

Veit was the first MD student brave enough to join our brand new research group in 2015. He worked overtime to establish basically everything in our lab and managed to end up with a very exciting thesis, which is ready to be submitted. After finishing his medical exam, he decided to join orthopaedic surgery in Bremen, where he appears to be very happy (although we all know that in his heart he will always be part of the dermatology here in Göttingen!). Veit successfully defended his thesis with "Magna cum laude" on the 27th of July 2021. Congratulations!!